For the first time in person in three years, students assembled last week as guests of honour at the Faculty’s White Coat Ceremony: Call to the Profession.
On Friday, September 9, the Faculty was proud to invite 169 newly admitted MD candidates and 60 newly admitted PhD learners to recite the professional oath and receive their white coats.
The event marks their entry into their respective professions and symbolizes the highest standards of professional behaviour expected in academic and clinical settings, as guided by the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine’s core values.
“It is a special time to be embarking on your medical degree the Faculty of Medicine,” said Dr. Bernard Jasmin, dean of the Faculty of Medicine, in his opening remarks.
“You’re joining a community that has embodied an unwavering dedication to the health of the populations we serve as we navigated the pandemic together over the last two and a half years,” he continued. “We have every faith you will step forward as exemplary leaders.”
May of the Faculty’s leaders attended the ceremony to assist the student with processions and signing forms, call their names, and to say a few words.
uOttawa staff, professors and students, as well as family members and friends, were all invited to the Shaw Centre to witness this special event.
Welcome to all of our new learners!
View a recording of the 2022 Faculty of Medicine White Coat Ceremony.

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The Medical Student Scholarship Endowment Fund provides financial assistance to undergraduate medical students who demonstrate financial need.