Fifteen projects led by research teams from the Faculty of Medicine and affiliated research institutes received the funding in the most recent Project Grant Competition.
Congratulations to all members of the uOttawa Faculty of Medicine and affiliated institutes on their recent success with their CIHR Project Grant funding.
CIHR funds innovative health research for the benefit of all Canadians, and the Faculty of Medicine continues to shine in its enviable position as a leading research-intensive institution.
Well done to the following research groups on behalf of the entire Faculty:
- Manoj Lalu. Sex differences in preclinical models of sepsis: a systematic review. Organization paid: OHRI. $112,500
- Lana Castellucci. Comparison of bleeding risk between Rivaroxaban and Apixaban in atrial fibrillation (COBRRA AF). Organization paid: OHRI. $100,000
- Sharon Chih. Early initiation of antiplatelet thERapy in HeArt TranspLantation - AERIAL trial. Organization paid: uOttawa Heart Institute. $566,100
- Morgan Fullerton. Monocyte activation by energy sensing pathways in atherosclerosis. Organization paid: uOttawa. $701,890
- Mireille Khacho. Mitochondrial dynamics and metabolism in muscle stem cell maintenance and muscle regeneration. Organization paid: uOttawa. $722,926
- Han Kim. The novel combinatorial role of Irx3 and Irx4 in ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy. Organization paid: uOttawa Heart Institute. $742,050
- Qiao Li. Exploring nuclear receptor signalling for the treatment of muscle-related diseases. Organization paid: uOttawa. $100,000.
- Pablo Nery. Characterization of arrhythmia substrate to ablate persistent atrial fibrillation (COAST-AF) randomized controlled trial. Organization paid: uOttawa Heart Institute. $952,426
- Justin Presseau. Preventing blindness by going to where you are: Culturally-competent tele-retina programs to support newcomers to attend diabetic retinopathy screening. Organization paid: OHRI. $637,398
- Nongnuj Tanphaichitr. Use of antimicrobial peptides, LL-37/17BIPHE2, as vaginal spermicides/microbicides as part of multipurpose prevention technology (MPT). Organization paid: OHRI. $734,400
- Peter Tanuseputro. Evaluating the palliative and end-of-life care of older Canadians living and dying with dementia. Organization paid: OHRI. $378,675
- Lauri Tuominen. The role of the cholinergic system in cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Organization paid: IMHR. $623,476
- Barbara Vanderhyden. Reducing ovarian cancer risk by regulating age-associated ovarian fibrosis. Organization paid: OHRI. $680,850.
- Atul Verma. The optimal anticoagulation for enhanced risk patients post-catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (OCEAN) trial. Organization paid: uOttawa Heart Institute. $956,250.
- Vivian Welch. Improving social justice in observational studies. Organization paid: Bruyère RI. $535,501