Coming soon: Project call-out for Faculty of Medicine Summer Research Work Program 2018

Faculty of Medicine
The finalists from the 2017 Summer Research Studentship Program
Photo credit: Drew Hays
The program matches supervisors with first- and second-year MD students looking to grow their experience in research.

Students looking to spend their summer conducting important health research are encouraged to apply for the Faculty’s Summer Research Work Program. The program is open to first- and second-year MD students looking to grow their experience in research.

A total of 50 projects will each receive $5000 in funding, allowing the selected students to spend the summer working closely with a supervisor in their chosen field of research. The program is competitive, receiving 70 to 80 applications each year with only 50 projects receiving funding.

Key dates Actions
1st week of December Project call-outs emailed out
January 12, 2018 Deadline for potential supervisors to submit project descriptions; students review the projects on the table and contact their potential supervisor of choice to discuss the project
March 2, 2018 – 4 p.m.

Deadline for students and supervisors to submit their final project description via a student application form

March 30, 2018 Applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision no later than this date
Early June 2018 Projects begin and run for 10 to 13 weeks

During the afternoon of September 27, 2018, students will present a poster of their final project at a special mandatory forum. Posters are judged by the supervisors who participate in the program, and winners are selected based on the strength of their research, communications skills, and knowledge of the chosen topic. First- and second-place winners of the poster session then go on to present their poster at the Canadian National Medical Student Research Symposium in Winnipeg in June of the following year.

Faculty members in both basic science and clinical departments are invited to watch for a project call-out in their email in the coming days.

Congratulations to the finalists from the 2017 Summer Research Work Program

1st place ($100): Joanne Nilusha Joseph
Supervisor: Dr. Bernard Thébaud
Project Title: Mesenchymal stromal cells - Towards a cell-based therapy to prevent neonatal lung diseases

2nd place ($100): Ryan Gotfrit
Supervisor: Dr. Thanh Binh Nguyen
Project Title: Preoperative identification of isocitrate dehydrogenase mutation in gliomas using MR spectroscopy, diffusion-weighted and perfusion-weighted imaging

3rd place ($50): Soroush Rouhani
Supervisor: Dr. Benjamin Chow
Project Title: Establishing objective measures of wall motion using SPECT wall thickening scores

4th place ($50): Garvin Leung
Supervisor: Dr. Dean Fergusson
Project Title: Scoping review of preclinical design and reporting in oncolytic virus therapy

Interested in a memorable summer of research as a student or supervisor? Review the application process.