Dr. Mark S. Freedman’s work is part of an exploding area of research — sophisticated investigation into what exactly is taking place as multiple sclerosis (MS) wreaks havoc on the structure of the body’s nerve cells.
As new tools in neuroscience and immunology come about in the research world, Dr. Freedman and collaborators are able to explore the causes and implications of the devastating disease more than ever before. Dr. Freedman’s work has concentrated on the possible role of the innate immune system in orchestrating some of the attack on myelin, the insulating sheath of nerves that aids in conducting nerve impulses.
Further collaborations in clinical research are allowing him to explore the effects of bone marrow transplants and other treatments on MS patients, with promising results.
Dr. Freedman’s research falls under the umbrella of the University of Ottawa Brain and Mind Research Institute (uOBMRI), Ottawa’s largest collection of basic researchers and clinician scientists focused on brain and mind related health.
Dr. Freedman is just one more researcher at the uOBMRI working to unlock the healing power of the brain. We invite you to come and celebrate with the uOttawa Faculty of Medicine at our 4th annual Gala – Abracadabra: A Night of Magic & Medicine, where we focus on the uOBMRI and its vast team of world-class researchers.