A near-capacity crowd took in the 2018 Faculty of Medicine Awards in Education ceremony at Roger Guindon Hall on December 6, an opportunity to recognize the outstanding academic achievements of students and faculty members.
Dr. Edward Seale was Master of Ceremonies for the afternoon. Dr. Seale completed his residency in family medicine at uOttawa and is currently the Faculty’s residency program director. Dr. Seale praised the laureates for their curiosity and passion.
“You toil away to synthesize complex information and come up with novel ideas,” said Dr. Seale to the crowd. “It’s not always easy, but you knew it wouldn’t be—and you accepted the challenge anyway.”
More than 100 individuals were honoured as part of the day’s awards. Award recipients included individuals from Continuing Professional Development, basic science undergraduate studies (Translational and Molecular Medicine), postdoctoral studies, graduate studies, postgraduate medical education and undergraduate medical education. Also recognized were professorial/faculty award winners.
Presenters included vice-deans, department chairs and program directors from across the Faculty, with dozens of awards handed out.
Dr. Jasmin continued the ceremony’s tradition of “giving the students the last word,” inviting fifth-year emergency medicine resident Jeffrey Landreville to the stage. Dr. Landreville expressed gratitude on behalf of all learners for the recognition bestowed on this day.
“To be successful, you need a supportive educational framework,” he said, “and the Faculty does an excellent job.”
Guests were welcomed to mingle with award recipients over refreshments at a reception following the ceremony in the atrium.
Congratulations to all winners!