Congratulations to all of our members on their recent success!
CIHR funds innovative health research for the benefit of all Canadians and the Faculty of Medicine continues to shine in its enviable position as a leading research-intensive institution. Congratulations to all of our members on their recent success with their CIHR Project Grant funding on behalf of the entire Faculty!
- Beanlands, Rob (UOHI) and Raggi, Paolo (PIs); Boczar, Kevin E; De Kemp, Robert A; Dowlatshahi, Dariush; Liu, Peter P; Lochnan, Heather A; Macpherson, Paul A; Spence, J. David; Tawakol, Ahmed A; Wells, George A. The Canadian Study of Arterial Inflammation in Patients with Diabetes and Recent Vascular Events: EvaluatioN of Canakinumab Effectiveness (CADENCE)
- Beaule, Paul E (OHRI), Lamontagne, Mario, Melkus, Gerd E and Speirs, Andrew D (PIs); Catelas, Isabelle; Dinning, Stephen; Fergusson, Dean A; Poitras, Stéphane; Rakhra, Kawan S. Cam type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a cause of hip pain in the young adult and a precursor to osteoarthritis (OA)
- Côté, Jocelyn (CMM). PRMT6 as a novel therapeutic target for breast cancer
- D’Amours, Damien (CMM). Mitotic regulation of the Condensin complex
- Davis, Darryl (UOHI) (PI); Nattel, Stanley. Extracellular vesicle-based therapy for atrial fibrillation
- Jankov, Robert (CHEO) (PI); Grynspan, David; Thebaud, Bernard; Variola, Fabio. Elucidating a role for Rho-kinase-thrombospondin signaling in experimental and human bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Novel targets for prevention and treatment of chronic lung disease in premature newborns
- Kennedy, Christopher (OHRI). The role of Nox5 in hypertension-associated renal injury
- Kothary, Rashmi K (OHRI). MicroRNA-145 as a key regulator of oligodendrocyte differentiation and CNS myelination
- Labonté, Ronald (SEPH) and Conly, John M (PIs). Canadian Network for Global Governance Research on Infectious Diseases: Strategic Research Priorities and Action Plan
- Lochmüller, Hanns (CHEO) (PI); Boycott, Kym M. Inherited disorders of neuromuscular transmission in humans: understanding and manipulating molecular and cellular structure-function relationships at the motoneuron to muscle interface, the neuromuscular synapse, through a translational medicine approach
- Mackenzie, Alexander (CHEO), Jasmin, Bernard (CMM) (PIs); Ravel-Chapuis, Aymeric (CMM). Recognition and Validation of Druggable Targets from the Response to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 patients from Integrated -Omics Networks.
- Manuel, Douglas (OHRI) (PI); Bernier, Julie; Feeny, David H; Fisher, Stacey L; Funnell, Sarah; Hennessy, Deirdre A; Jackson, Rod; Jessri, Mahsa; Manson, Heather; Maskerine, Courtney; Orpana, Heather M; Pelletier, Louise; Rosella, Laura C; Taljaard, Monica. Measuring compression and expansion of morbidity from chronic diseases using a multivariable predictive approach
- Mcisaac, Daniel I (OHRI); Fergusson, Dean A; Khadaroo, Rachel; Muscedere, John; and Taljaard, Monica (PIs); Boet, Sylvain; Boland, Laura S; Breau, Rodney H; Bryson, Gregory L; Caycedo, Antonio; Eskander, Antoine; Forster, Alan J; Gagné, Sylvain; Holroyd-Leduc, Jayna M; Huang, Allen R; Johnson, Ana; Lalu, Manoj M; Lavallée, Luke T; Ma, Grace; Mccartney, Colin J; Mcelhaney, Janet E; Moloo, Husein; Nagpal, Sudhir; Nantel, Julie; Power, Barbara E; Saha, Tarit; Scheede-Bergdahl, Celena; Thavorn, Kednapa; Van Walraven, Carl; Wijeysundera, Duminda N. PREPARE Trial: a parallel arm multicenter randomized trial of frailty-focused PReoperative Exercise to decrease PostoperAtive complication Rates and disability scores
- Mestre, Tiago (OHRI) (PI); Bonneville, Luc; Chandler, Jennifer A; Crighton, Eric J; Grimes, David A; Grosjean, Sylvie; Taljaard, Monica; Thavorn, Kednapa. Integrated Parkinson Care Networks: addressing complex care in Parkinson disease in contemporary society
- Mullen, Kerri-Anne (UOHI) (PI); Hawken, Steven; Pipe, Andrew L; Reid, Robert D; Walker, Kate; Wells, George A. The INITIATE Study: Initiating nicotine dependence treatment for smokers admitted to emergency departments
- Sabourin, Luc A (OHRI). Deletion of the Ste20-like kinase SLK in HER2+ breast cancers activates an alternate Akt-Sox10 pathway
- St-Pierre, Julie (BMI) (PI); Siegel, Peter M. The impact of mitochondrial dynamics on breast cancer metastasis
- Sun, Jim (BMI) (PI); Blais, Alexandre (BMI), Xing, Zhou. Molecular basis of PPM1A controlled macrophage apoptosis in tuberculosis
- Sun, Louise (UOHI) (PI); Austin, Peter C; Beanlands, Rob; Duffett, Lisa; Lee, Douglas S; Ruel, Marc; Tulloch, Heather E; Wells, George A. Development and Application of a Patient-Defined Outcome in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
If you received a CIHR Project Grant as co-PI or co-applicant and we missed you in the list above, please let us know! Email us at [email protected] .