From Atkins to the Zone diet, today’s health fads literally span the alphabet. Not only are the options endless, they can also be quite daunting. According to uOttawa Faculty of Medicine’s Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, when it comes to living the healthiest life possible — the simpler the better.
Since this is the time of year for spring cleaning, Dr. Freedhoff suggests applying the same philosophy to your health regime. Eliminate the excess, he says, and follow his simple list of a mere 48 words.
“People waste too much time chasing the latest fads,” says the professor in the Faculty’s Department of Family Medicine. “Honestly, the basics of healthy living are anything but complicated.”
Considered a nutritional watchdog by the Canadian Medical Association Journal, the renowned bariatrics expert has dedicated his career to the treatment and management of overweight and obesity. He has spoken at the Canadian House of Commons and at Canada’s Senate to advocate for obesity and nutrition policy in support of the health of Canadians.
Freedhoff is also a best-selling author, penning works on dieting and obesity management, and he makes regular national and international TV appearances. Frequently quoted in the press, he has been referred to as Canada’s most outspoken obesity expert.
“If you’d like to forevermore ignore the latest healthy living headlines, these 48 words have you covered,” Dr. Freedhoff says, explaining that these tips can be applied across the spectrum of people’s health goals, from ultimate health to a little weight loss to a simple spring tune-up.
Dr. Freedhoff’s “The Only 48 Words of Health Advice You'll Ever Need”:
- Get vaccinated
- Avoid trans fats
- Replace saturated fats with unsaturated if you can
- Cook from fresh whole ingredients
- Minimize restaurant and ultra-processed foods
- Cultivate friendships
- Don't smoke
- Nurture sleep
- Drink alcohol at most moderately
- Exercise as often as you can enjoy
- Only drink those calories that you love
Comparatively, Dr. Freedhoff says, everything else is minutia.
Now, doesn’t that sound simple?
Read more about Dr. Yoni Freedhoff and find more advice on healthy living on Dr. Freedhoff’s blog.