Research revenues, rankings, and renovations were three of the top subjects addressed by Dr. Bernard Jasmin as he spoke to assembled Faculty of Medicine members, staff and learners in two town hall meetings Nov. 20 and 22.
The town halls were convened primarily to give the FoM community a further chance to comment on the Faculty’s new strategic plan, Leading Innovation for a Healthier World, which sets out five-year goals in the priority areas of education, research, engagement, francophonie, and internationalization and global health. The plan will go to Faculty Council on Dec. 10 for approval; meanwhile, the Executive Leadership Team is developing an actionable blueprint to achieve the goals, and promises to keep the community updated on its progress.
The Dean also used the town halls to update attendees on several topics of interest.
Research revenues
Research revenues increased by 8 per cent, from $133.8 M in 2017 to $144 M in 2018, the Dean revealed. In both years, CIHR was the largest single contributor of research funding; however, funding from NSERC and SSHRC also increased, reflecting the growth in interdisciplinary research at FoM. The Faculty of Medicine is the most research intensive faculty at uOttawa, accounting for approximately 50-60% of research revenues, the Dean said. Combined, the Faculty of Science and FoM pull in 84% of the University’s research revenues, he added.
Rankings by several national and international bodies reveal a high degree of esteem for the Faculty, the Dean noted, highlighting the following results:
- #2-3 for research intensity and medical/science grants (Maclean’s 2019)
- #4 in not-for profit research partnerships (2018 Research InfoSource)
- #36 worldwide for public health (Academic Ranking of World Universities)
- #78 worldwide for clinical medicine (NTU Ranking 2018)
- #112 worldwide for medicine (Times Higher Education World Rankings 2020)
- #5 for impact in Canada and #102 for impact worldwide (CWTS Leiden Rankings 2018)
Renovations are expected to begin soon on a consolidation of the Faculty of Health Sciences at 200 Lees and an optimization and retrofit of Roger Guindon Hall. The Dean also mentioned the aspiration to construct a new research tower in the coming years. Naming rights could be sold to help finance the tower, he said.
75thanniversary swag
Looking ahead to the Faculty’s 75th anniversary next year, the Dean unveiled a collection of t-shirts, baseball caps, and mugs bearing the original 75th anniversary logo, designed by Kyle Leon.
Internal stakeholders are encouraged to send any additional feedback on the strategic plan by November 29.