Take a Break, and Advise Your New Dean - Faculty Experience Survey: Time is Running Out!

Faculty of Medicine
A microphone on stage in front of a crowd.
Complete the survey before June 2 to give important feedback to the new dean.

Faculty members have until this Friday (June 2) to complete the Faculty Experience Survey. Data collected will be critical in helping the new dean and the Faculty Experience Team chart a course for the Faculty of Medicine’s future.

Congratulations to the Departments of Innovation in Medical Education and Emergency Medicine, who have the highest response rates thus far. Thank you to all Faculty members who have provided their comments.

The survey only takes 10 minutes to complete, and all responses are completely confidential. The survey is conducted by third-party survey company Mercer | Sirota, and results will be shared with faculty via your Chair over the coming months.

Members were emailed the survey link from [email protected]. If it hasn’t arrived, be sure to check junk mail and both hospital and uOttawa email accounts. Those who did not receive their link can contact Mercer using the email address above. Members are asked not to forward the survey links to another person.

Participation deadline: June 2
A microphone on stage in front of a crowd.