Three Faculty of Medicine PIs garner a combined $10M in CIHR Foundation Grants

Faculty of Medicine
Photo of Dr. Hanns Lochmüller, Dr. Robert Korneluk and Dr. Damien D'Amours
This considerable funding will advance discoveries in genome stability, cancer immunotherapies and neuromuscular diseases.

Three prominent researchers at the Faculty of Medicine stand to further their research with a combined $10 million in recently announced Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Foundation Grants.

The Foundation Grant program provides long-term support of innovative and high-impact research, and projects must include integrated, thematically-linked research, knowledge translation and mentoring/training components.


Dr. Hanns Lochmüller holds the Canada Research Chair in Neuromuscular Genomics and Health. He is a professor in the Department of Medicine and is cross-appointed to the Departments of Pediatrics and Cellular and Molecular Medicine. His research focuses on understanding why small variations in the human genome lead to neuromuscular conditions that are frequently disabling, sometimes lethal, and rarely treatable.

Amount: $4,676,165

Institution Paid: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute Inc

Project Title (click for summary): Precision Health for Neuromuscular Diseases: a bench-to-bedside-to-bench approach to discover their genetic cause, unravel their molecular pathways, identify biomarkers, and conduct clinical trials for patient benefit.

Dr. Robert Korneluk is a Distinguished University Professor and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and was recently named a Member of the Order of Canada. The professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology focuses his research on the mechanisms of cell death, with implications in adult and childhood diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and genetic disorders such as Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy, and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Amount: $2,905,410

Institution Paid: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute Inc

Project Title (click for summary): The role of the Inhibitors of Apoptosis (IAPs) in health and disease

Dr. Damien D’Amours holds a Canada Research Chair in Chromatin Dynamics and Genome Architecture. The professor in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine explores how disruptions during cell duplication can alter DNA, potentially leading to cancer, immunodeficiency, aging and other effects.

Amount: $2,490,878

Institution Paid: University of Ottawa

Project Title (click for summary): Regulation of chromosome architecture by SMC complexes in health and disease


Photo of Dr. Hanns Lochmüller, Dr. Robert Korneluk and Dr. Damien D'Amours