Dear colleagues,
Busy times continue at the Faculty of Medicine as we work not only to deliver the highest quality research and education, but to also keep you – our staff, learners and faculty members – on top of the latest internal news.
To ensure you are kept up-to-date on what is happening at The Faculty of Medicine (FoM), we welcome you to enjoy these quarterly highlights from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).
ELT Meeting Highlights: July – September 2017
- Leadership Announcements: Dr. Doug Coyle’s term as Interim, Chair of the School of Epidemiology and Public Health (SEPH), has been extended for another year, until the end of August 2018. Dr. Ruth Slack has been appointed as Interim, Vice-Dean, Research (to end of June 2018), and Dr. Manon Denis-Leblanc, has been appointed as Interim, Vice-Dean, Francophone Affairs (to end of June 2018). Congratulations to all!
- Vice Dean and Director Portfolios: Executive Leadership portfolios are being reviewed as part of the budgetary and strategic directions process. It was agreed that the Professional Affairs and Health and Hospital Services roles will be combined.
- UGME Accreditation Update: A 3-day mock accreditation will occur Nov. 12-15, 2017 and all stakeholders are encouraged to participate.
- Student Space at RGN: More student social space will be made available at RGN in the 2135 vicinity. Food services are also being revamped.
- Faculty Council Nomination – uOttawa’s Senate: At a recent meeting of uOttawa’s Senate, Dr. Alan Chaput was elected by its members to sit on the Executive Committee of the Senate. Bravo!
- Promotion Application Process: ELT approved a streamlined workflow for the clinical promotion process, intended to reduce data entry for our physicians and researchers. Tracking the status of applications will also be prioritized.
- FoM Education Committee: The creation of a new FoM Education Committee (FMEC) has been approved with a mandate to provide guidance on innovation in all educational services at the FoM. Terms of Reference will be presented to the Clinical Chairs and Faculty Council for approval.
- Business Transformation Office (BTO) Update: Over 160 proposals from offices across the Faculty of Medicine were submitted to the BTO suggesting efficiencies in the Faculty’s processes and operations. The BTO is tasked with analyzing submissions, and making recommendations to the ELT, who will be working closely with the Basic Science Chairs. The ELT will decide on how to proceed in the context of ongoing quality improvement and cost-savings.
Productive Dialogue at this Fall’s AGMs
September 15 & 25, 2017
Staff, learners and faculty members gathered in the RGN Atrium over three informal, interactive AGM sessions to hear Dr. Bernard Jasmin, our Interim Dean, and members of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) present topics of key importance to the Faculty, including:
- Welcome from the Dean
- Introduction of ELT Members
- Update on the Dean Search
- Internationalization Activities
- Strategic Priorities of the Interim Dean
- FoM Budget Planning
- UGME Accreditation
- Faculty Experience Survey Outcomes
Participants were invited to ask or text in their questions following each topic.
The AGM format has been revived to help facilitate two-way communications and increase dialogue between leaders and stakeholders, much to the appreciation of participants, many of whom expressed a desire to continue the sessions on a regular basis. In this context, please note that the Interim Dean, with members of the ELT, will be visiting all 16 Departments in the coming weeks to ensure that such interactions continue to grow.
A Warm Welcome at Inaugural mixed-learner Orientation
September 5, 2017
For the first year ever, students from the Faculty’s Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME), Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME), Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Ottawa-Shanghai Joint School of Medicine and Translational and Molecular Medicine programs were all welcomed together to their new home. The orientation gave participants a chance to hear from their Dean and to network with peers across FoM programs.
Until next time
Look for our next quarterly uOMedTalks in January, when we will continue to share with you the latest from the FoM.
Through the active sharing of ideas, we can grow as an institution and in our ability to offer the finest services to our learners.
- Do you have questions and ideas about the Faculty, our mission, your work, our work, or any other topic?
- Are there areas you would like us to report on more actively?
- Do you have feedback for us on any issue?
Reach me and the Executive Leadership Team by simply emailing us at [email protected].
We would be delighted to hear from you!
Bernard Jasmin, PhD
Interim Dean, Faculty of Medicine
University of Ottawa