Read the latest Faculty update directly from the Executive Leadership Team.
Dear colleagues,
Happy Halloween!! It’s amazing to think that we are halfway through the term, but time flies when you are having fun, and your Executive Leadership Team (ELT) has been very busy. I welcome you to read about our summer quarterly highlights below.
ELT Highlights: July – September 2019
- Faculty Strategic Planning, Mission and Vision: As you know, the ELT, with fantastic input from faculty members, staff and learners, spent much of the summer crafting the Faculty’s new five-year strategic plan, vision and mission. With “Leading Innovation for a Healthier World” now released, work continues on an actionable blueprint for the plan’s goals.
- FoM Back-to-School Events: Members of the ELT welcomed our learners to several events this September, including:
- New students from across our programs in a joint orientation session. View the photo album.
- First year MD students at our Indigenous and White Coat ceremonies.
- Aspiring scientists at our inaugural Research Day, the winners of which were presented with their awards at our Faculty gala.
- Patient Engagement: The ELT heard from Julie Drury, strategic lead – patient partnerships at the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement. Her insights into patient/family/professional partnerships in healthcare were well received, and will be incorporated into our strategic planning and curriculum discussions.
- Interprofessional Education: Paula Forgeron, director and associate dean, School of Nursing, at uO’s Faculty of Health Sciences, updated ELT on the positive results of a pilot project aimed at improving interprofessional practice between nursing and medical students. The Ministry-funded project saw the two faculties and TOH partner in offering online learning with simulations and shadowing experience. The ELT is exploring applying these concepts to some clinical rotations going forward.
- Alumni and Annual Giving: The ELT heard an update from Lucie Gendron, director of alumni relations and annual giving at uO, on both of her portfolios. Dr. Ali Jalali, assistant dean of external relations, engagement and advancement at the Faculty, also present, updated the ELT on the FoM’s newly minted Fundraising Steering Committee.
- CACME Survey: The Office for Continuing Professional Development confirmed that the Committee on Accreditation of Continuing Medical Educationreview survey will take place on November 25-26.
- International Joint Conference: The International and Global Health Office has been approached by CHEO to partner on the 8th annual Global Health Conference, the theme of which is Ten Threats to Global Health in 2019. Registration is open for this half day event, taking place at RGN on November 20.
- CTPC: Faculty Affairs confirmed our new slate of Clinical Teaching Personnel Committee (CTPC) members, consisting of five women and seven men, who received an orientation at the end of September.
- Leadership Announcements: In an effort to reduce email burden, the ELT, with Marketing and Communications, are announcing leadership positions in a new format: leaders at the director and assistant dean levels receive a mention in a new leadership announcement section in MedPoint (the Faculty’s e-newsletter). Vice-deans, departmental chairs and the dean, as executive leadership positions, receive the same mention, as well as the current internal email announcement.
- Discovery Day: The ELT approved to have the next Discovery Day moved from May to February 2020. This will be the second year we host this event, in partnership with the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, for local high school students considering a future in medicine or health research.
- New Initiatives: As we launch a new strategic plan, the ELT is considering innovative ways to increase revenues to the Faculty to fund our strategic initiatives, as well as is considering how best to develop international partnerships to increase the visibility of the university and support its social accountability efforts.
We are always happy to hear from you…
Do you have feedback to help improve your Faculty of Medicine? You can reach out to me and the Executive Leadership Team anytime by emailing us at [email protected] (or by calling ext. 8117).
Bernard Jasmin, PhD
Dean and Professor, Faculty of Medicine
University of Ottawa