Dr. Antoine Hakim wants to keep you sharp. He believes that with the right steps, one can preserve one’s mental acuity and avoid suffering the effects of dementia well into old age, and possibly until end of one’s life.
Dr. Hakim is a professor in Neurology at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine as well as Senior Neurologist at The Ottawa Hospital. His new book, Préservez votre vitalité mentale, lays out seven simple rules one can follow to ward off the onset of this devastating illness.
In the book, Dr. Hakim explains several factors that contribute to the damage suffered by the brain such as vascular conditions, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. He also debunks certain myths and addresses questions many of us have surrounding the maintenance of our mental vitality.
Don’t wait too long to start taking steps to deter dementia’s onset, suggests Dr. Hakim. People of any age can benefit from the useful tips for protecting their brain health.
“You’re never too young to take action to protect your brain,” he explains. “Ideally, prevention starts early.”
Forty years of research into the brain and its functions has given Dr. Hakim much insight into the illness known as dementia.
His steps to warding off the illness are all common sense approaches that anyone can take, and are based on his years of experience and research as a neurologist. Each tip is backed by empirical evidence, and explained in everyday language.
“Some people are surprised to learn that poor sleep habits and social isolation can contribute to dementia,” says Dr. Hakim.
The publishing of Dr. Hakim’s book is timely. Along with increasing awareness of dementia among the general public is a growing interest in its prevention, and the information Dr. Hakim shares in his book is of great relevance to a wide audience.
“I wrote this book to convey the message that when it comes to our risk of acquiring dementia, we are not helpless,” Dr. Hakim says. “We can decrease our individual risk of suffering this terrible condition, and help our loved ones to do the same.”
Both the e-book and printed editions of Préservez votre vitalité mentale will be available in French beginning June 9 in all bookshops throughout Canada and Europe, and on the publisher’s website. The English version will appear early next winter.