The uOttawa Faculty of Medicine was delighted to welcome roughly 240 new trainees to its Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) program at a day-long orientation session held at Roger Guindon Hall on Friday, June 28.
In attendance were PGY1 residents (representing 30 programs), PGY3 residents in Family Medicine Enhanced Skills, and subspecialty residents from 34 different programs, all new to uOttawa.
During the morning session, PGME Vice-Dean Dr. Lorne Wiesenfeld introduced the residents to the PGME team, and shared an overview of residency and information about the Faculty’s professionalism policies. He was joined by the assistant dean of PGME, Dr. Alan Chaput, who presented a summary of Competency Based Medical Education (CBME). Dr. Elizabeth Muggah, the new assistant dean of wellness, shared various resources available to learners to ensure optimal physical and mental health during their training. Presentations were also made by the Professional Association of Residents of Ontario (PARO) and the assistant dean of academic affairs (MD program), Dr. B. K. Lam, on the teaching of MD students. Finally, residents entering programs that launched CBME on July 1 attended an information session presented by fellow CBME residents, covering curriculum-tracking program Elentra and CBME methodology.
The day’s activities continued with orientation sessions for trainees with programs at The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) and Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), followed by a networking barbecue on the terrace of Roger Guindon Hall.
“It is rare to have so many of our residents together in the same place at the same time,” remarked Dr. Wiesenfeld to the crowd. “This is always such a memorable day for new physicians, who are embarking on yet another significant period of their training.”
July 1 was the first day of residency training for the 2019-2020 cohort. The Faculty extends a warm welcome to all of our new trainees and wish them great success in their chosen career. We also send a sincere thank-you all of our presenters, PGME staff and volunteers from our partner hospitals for contributing to the success of this event.
View a photo album of the day.
Residents may find the following resources handy as they settle into their new programs, and for many, into their new home city.
Helpful resources for new residents
Helps physicians, faculty, students and trainees looking to obtain a family physician.
The Professional Association of Residents of Ontario is the official representative voice for Ontario’s doctors in training. On this website you will find information for a 24-hour helpline.
The Medical Diversity and LGBTQA Advocacy Interest Group
A mentoring program for LGBTQ2SA+ learners (medical students, graduate students and residents). One-on-one mentoring is offered for mentees that are not comfortable with the group format
New Foreign Medical Trainee Information Booklet
Elentra Support and Account Enquiries