New Science Professors present their Cutting-Edge Research Programs
Fall 2023
Dec 6, 2023 — 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Join us for an inspiring event as the Faculty of Science proudly presents the Fall Lectures by our newest professors.
Twice a year, we highlight the talents and expertise of our latest recruits to the research and teaching faculty. This is a unique opportunity for science teachers and students to engage with cutting-edge discoveries and insights from our accomplished newcomers. Don't miss the chance to be part of this enriching experience on December 6th, 2023; where knowledge meets innovation.
Discover the latest research endeavours of three distinguished additions to our faculty. Our featured speakers for this event are:
- Adam Damry: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences.
- Arthur Mehta: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Julie Lee-Yaw: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology.

Adam Damry
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences
Mechanisms of enzyme-surface interaction in plastic degrading enzymes
Enzymes have revolutionized many industrial processes by enabling the efficient catalysis of complex reactions under mild conditions. Modern industrial enzymes are typically heavily engineered to improve and diversify their properties. Given the staggering number of possible protein sequences, this engineering process is generally guided by known structural and functional information. This information is typically obtained using standard structural biology techniques such as X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
These characterization techniques are however poorly suited to the study of enzymes that interact with solids. As a result, designing and engineering such proteins is difficult despite their incredible potential in both bioremediation efforts to combat environmental pollution and biocatalytic applications in the multitrillion-dollar materials industry.
We seek to address this challenge by building an understanding of protein-solid interactions and creating novel biosystems that function in this interface. We are working towards a mechanistic understanding of the thermodynamic and structural elements that enable protein-solid interactions, beginning with an in-depth characterization of plastic degrading enzymes (PDEs).
During our study of these industrially relevant enzymes, we will improve the catalytic efficiency of select PDEs, identify the sequence and structure motifs responsible for plastic binding, and use this information to build empirical models rationalizing PDE catalytic activity. This cycle of designing, building, and testing novel enzymes, and learning from their mechanisms will allow us to progressively deepen our understanding of these difficult-to-study systems and interactions. Ultimately, it will enable the design of complex biocatalysts with tangible industrial and environmental applications.
Adam Damry, a former alumnus of the University of Ottawa, completed the Biotech program and later pursued a Ph.D. under the guidance of Roberto Chica, concentrating on protein engineering and the study of protein dynamics.
Postdoctoral studies led him to the group of Colin Jackson in Australia, initiating a transition into a synthetic biologist with expertise in biosensing applications. Adam collaborated with electrochemists, physicists, engineers, and medical professionals, contributing to the development of various sensing platforms. This work continues through ongoing overseas industrial collaborations.
Now back in Canada, Adam is establishing a research group at the intersection of these roles and the boundary between solids and liquids. His focus is on exploring novel questions in interfacial biochemistry, utilizing a synthetic biology shell to intuit information about molecular interactions between enzymes and solid elements in their medium. Projects range from studying plastic-degrading enzymes to address plastic pollution to the development of new solid-state sensors for disease management.

Arthur Mehta
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Quantum Delegation with an Off-the-shelf Device
Simulating quantum computers is considered challenging. However, when a client delegates a task to a quantum server, it's improbable that they possess their own quantum computer for result verification. This raises the question: How can a classical client ensure that an untrusted quantum server provides an accurate result? Security concerns also come into play, as the server may be unwilling to disclose proprietary information. Specifically, one may inquire: How can a quantum server prove the correctness of its result to a client without revealing additional proprietary information? Over the past decade, significant progress has been made in addressing these questions, with various proposed models each exhibiting specific strengths and weaknesses.
This discussion will delve into a novel model wherein the client places trust solely in its classical computer. During the setup phase, the client specifies the computation size needed and receives an untrusted and generic "off-the-shelf" (OTS) quantum device, used to report the outcome of a single measurement.
Arthur Mehta, a local from Ottawa, wrapped up his journey with a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Toronto. His curiosity leads him into the fascinating realms of quantum information theory, where he loves tackling problems that blend pure math, computer science, and physics. Lately, he's been diving into non-locality, quantum graph theory, and chasing the excitement of quantum computational advantage.

Julie Lee-Yaw
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
Of wildfire and amphibians: a case study in climate change biology and conservation
Global change is profoundly influencing the distribution of life, posing a threat to the status of numerous wildlife populations. Understanding why species inhabit specific areas and the factors influencing their range limits is crucial for predicting how species will respond to environmental changes. My research program aims to enhance our empirical understanding of species' range limits in Canada and the effects of global change on these limits.
One aspect of global change biology that has received relatively little attention is the impact of extreme climate-related events, such as storms, floods, and wildfires, on wildlife populations. Following the worst wildfire season in Canada, I will take this opportunity to discuss a case study from my lab examining the effects of a severe wildfire on species at the edge of their range in western Canada. This study has important implications for conservation programs targeting these species.
Lee-Yaw Blurb has a profound appreciation for the diversity of life and the processes that have shaped it. She developed an interest in studying the distributions of species that led her from the suburbs of Toronto, where she grew up, across much of North America and beyond.
As an MSc student at McGill University, Lee-Yaw travelled across eastern North America to study genetic diversity across the range of a freeze-tolerant frog. She completed her Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia, where she explored hybrid zones in salamanders across the other half of the continent. After stops in Switzerland and Lethbridge, Alberta, Lee-Yaw is delighted to be at uOttawa, starting a lab at the intersection of evolutionary ecology, global change biology, and conservation genomics.
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