Associated with industrial or international partners, discover with whom our professors have collaborated during the year to broaden their research possibilities.
Chemistry and Biomolecular Sc.

Chemistry and Biomolecular Sc.
Transitioning green energetic materials from academia to industry
High Energy Materials (EMs) have played a vital role in shaping the modern world, whether it be through their use as welding materials, propellants, plasticizers or highly efficient combustibles in aerospace or other applications.
Mathematics and statistics

Mathematics and statistics
International collaboration to advance research in operator algebras
Canada holds an important place on the international operator algebras stage. The subject is well-represented by a vibrant community of researchers at several Canadian universities, including many international leaders.

Unity creates strength: Partnering to improve testing methods
Scientists are not solo artists. They often collaborate with other academics, with industry and governments. Organizations such as the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) facilitate multi-sectoral, international collaborations.
Earth and Environmental Sc.

Earth and Environmental Sc.
Mapping the Alps: Investigating How Deep Rocks Come to the Surface
Tens of millions of years ago, the African and Eurasian tectonic plates collided, giving rise to the Alps – a mountain belt stretching across much of southern Europe and reaching heights in excess of 4 km. Tectonic collision pushed rocks to >75 km depths, and a short time later the rocks returned to the surface. In the Austrian Alps, large-scale stretching of the plates led to the formation of the Tauern Window, a window-like geological structure that exposes these once-deep rocks.

The power of crystals: how manufactured 2D materials can improve communication
Imagine running a bakery with a conventional rather than an industrial oven; it sounds daunting! Better equipment can improve the efficiency and quality of products, even in STEM. With this in mind, the National Research Council Canada (NRC) partnered with uOttawa to set up a new laboratory to improve research in the field of nanomaterials.

Healthy Environments Sustain Indigenous Wellness
The value of food is not limited to sustenance. The cultural, spiritual, and traditional significance of food makes up core beliefs in many communities, including First Nations. Indigenous Peoples are known for their sustainable lifestyles. This includes the consumption of traditional food obtained from the surrounding fauna and flora.