African Cities: Territorialities and the Production of Public Space in Dakar. Pencc in the test of regional planning
Nov 28, 2023 — 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Third conference of the series: African Cities through the Lens of Family, Local Dynamics and Societal Transformation.

The aim is to analyze the ways in which public space marked by religiosities is organized, in order to understand how certain spaces are appropriated, using Pencc as an example. Pencc allow us to characterize the forms of sociability linked to specific places, and in so doing, the cohabitation imposed and the definition of "spatial boundaries" experienced by all. They also make it possible to question the significance of places linked to various religious or ideological conceptions, and thus governed by other regimes of temporality (the long, circular time of rituals, the time of heritage preservation, etc.). We will discuss the collusion between public action based on a technocratic logic of spatial planning and the dynamics of urban occupation that produce the exclusion of certain groups such as the elderly.
Fatoumata HANE, socio-anthropologist, research professor at UASZ, coordinator of the Institut Éducation Famille Santé et Genre. Specializes in health systems and policies in West Africa, but also works on aging, gender and social policies in Senegal.
Ibrahima Demba DIONE, professor-researcher at Assane Seck de Ziguinchor University, researcher at the Institut Éducation, Famille, Santé et Genre (IEFSG).