Talk by Pierre Minn

The book will be discussed by Dr. Jean Hénold Buteau, physician and professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the State University of Haiti, and by sociologist Loes Knaapen of the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies (SSAS) at the University of Ottawa.

The event will be held in English and French

The presentation will be bilingual (French/English) and the discussion trilingual: (French, English and Haitian Creole). You may purchase the book and have it signed by the author. Refreshments will be served.

The conference will take place on May 2 at 2:30 pm, FSS, 4012 and on Zoom:

Date and time
May 2, 2023
All day
Format and location
Social Sciences Building (FSS)
FSS 4012 and Zoom