Les francophones aux appartenances multiples : défis et enjeux (in French)
Mar 22, 2023 — All day
Round table organized by CIRCEM and CRCCF as part of the Mauril-Bélanger Conferences.

Mauril-Bélanger Conferences
In honour of the International Day of the Francophonie, CIRCEM and the CRCCF invite you to the Mauril-Bélanger Conference entitled "Les francophones aux appartenances multiples: défis et enjeux" on March 22, 2023, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, at FSS 4007. This roundtable will bring together Halimatou Ba (University of Saint-Boniface), Jean-Rock Boutin (Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l'Ontario), Marcel Morin (Maison de la francophonie d'Ottawa) and Judith Patouma (Université Sainte-Anne). Luisa Veronis, Research Chair on Immigration and Franco-Ontarian Communities will moderate the discussion. CIRCEM and the CRCCF would like to thank Robert Doyle, Nicole Mondou and the Fondation Famille Bertrand for their generous financial support of the Mauril-Bélanger Lectures.
To participate in person, please register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/billets-les-francophones-aux-appartenances-multiples-defis-et-enjeux-446183927137
To participate online, please use this Zoom link: https://uottawa-ca.zoom.us/webinar/register/3316772618812/WN_AB8yef-yRpmyKO6Jn91uNQ