Les Classiques des sciences sociales - 20 octobre (in French)
A series of 4 workshops (in French)
Oct 20, 2022 — All day
Les Classiques des sciences sociales (in French)
This CIRCEM flagship activity invites anyone from the academic community interested in the subject to come and discuss and exchange around a text considered a "classic" of the social sciences. The workshops will be dedicated to the reading of the book Stigmate. Les usages sociaux des handicaps de Erving Goffman by Erving Goffman.
Please write to the CIRCEM email address to register and to find out how to obtain a copy : [email protected]
October 20, 2022
November 24, 2022
January 26, 2023
March, 09 2023
* Seating is limited *
* Activity will be held in French *
Cette année, les quatre ateliers sont animés par: Stéphanie Garneau (Service social), Dahlia Namian (Service social) et Alexis H. Truong (Criminologie).
Les Classiques des sciences sociales