Multipolarity and Pragmatic Peacekeeping

Peacekeeping is a foundational component of the United Nations but its historical trajectory has been marked by great debate over its form and purpose. In the 21st century, peacekeeping once again finds itself in a period of change, both geopolitically and in its practice. CIPS researchers, Caroline Dunton, Marion Laurence, and Gino Vlavonou, have recently edited a special issue of the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, where participants in a 2021 CIPS workshop have published research on the future of peacekeeping. Contributors to this special issue include: Roland Paris, John Karlsrud, Katelyn Cassin, Benjamin Zyla, Tom Buitelaar, Marie-Joelle Zahar, and Laurence Deschamps-Laporte. At this CIPS event, the editors and contributors will discuss their articles.   


Pragmatic Peacekeeping in a Multipolar Era: Liberal Norms, Practices, and the Future of UN Peace Operations – Caroline Dunton (University of Ottawa), Marion Laurence (Royal Military College of Canada), Gino Vlavonou (University of Ottawa)

The Past, Present, and Uncertain Future of Collective Conflict Management: Peacekeeping and Beyond – Roland Paris (University of Ottawa)

UN Peace Operations and the Kindleberger Trap: Exit Liberal Peacekeeping, Enter UN Support Missions? – John Karlsrud (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs)

UN Reforms for an Era of Pragmatic Peacekeeping – Katelyn Cassin & Benjamin Zyla (University of Ottawa)

Just Leaves in the Wind? Using Agent-Level Factors to Explain Variation in Human Rights Promotion Strategies – Tom Buitelaar (Leiden University)

Is the Future of Peacekeeping Female? Middle Powers, Liberal Internationalism and the 1325 Agenda – Marie-Joelle Zahar & Laurence Deschamps-Laporte (Université de Montréal)


Caroline Dunton, University of Ottawa

Marion Laurence, Royal Military College of Canada

Gino Vlavonou, University of Ottawa

If you require accommodation, please contact the event host as soon as possible.
Date and time
May 23, 2023
All day
Format and location
Social Sciences Building (FSS)
FSS 4004