Quality of Life Concepts and Data
Jan 28, 2025 — 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Join us for an insightful webinar hosted by the Centre on Governance (COG) and the Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX) in 2025, focusing on Canada's Quality of Life (QOL) Framework. This event will feature presentations from the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and Statistics Canada, offering a comprehensive overview of the Framework's key concepts and data.

About the webinar:
Join us for the first webinar organized by the Centre on Governance (COG) and the Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX) in 2025, which will be about Canada's Quality of Life Framework. The Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and Statistics Canada will provide an overview of the Framework, including its key concepts and data. More specifically, TBS will speak to the importance of QOL in developing and managing programs/initiatives, as well as the potential applications of QOL in Results-Based Management (RBM) practices. Statistics Canada will present its QOL Hub and speak about how you can leverage existing QOL indicators and data to support this effort. While the presentation will focus on basic concepts and current data availability, there will be an opportunity to share your unique insights and ideas during the discussion.

Brandon Sharman
Analyst with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS)
Brandon Sharman has been an analyst with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) in the Results Division for more than three years. Before joining TBS, Brandon accumulated over 15 years of experience in performance measurement working for various programs from across the social, economic and government operations sectors. Brandon holds a Masters of Economics degree from the University of Ottawa and has extensive experience setting up data models to capture results.

Emma Howieson
A/Unit Head, Partnerships and Engagement, Social Data Insights and Innovation, StatsCan
Emma is currently A/Unit Head of the Partnerships and Engagement team in the Centre for Social Data Insights and Innovation at Statistics Canada. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from Carleton University. Emma began her public service career working at Transport Canada then moved to Statistics Canada to join the Quality of Life Statistics Program where she has resided since, working on the Quality of Life Framework for Canada.