Here is the list of the 2019 award recipients. Congratulations to all!
Please note that all testimonies are provided in the recipients' language of choice.
Excellence in Teaching Award
The Excellence in Teaching Award is granted to a member of the teaching staff, nominated by his or her peers, who has demonstrated outstanding performance in his or her teaching, in particular in the development of innovative teaching material, courses, and programs of study, and for his or her interpersonal skills.
"I am humbled and honoured to have my contributions recognized in this way by my fantastic colleagues in the School of Psychology, and by the Faculty of Social Sciences. As a Continuing Special Appointment Professor, I am especially honoured to be recognized with this award. I live and breathe teaching and, alongside my colleagues with this same position, I am dedicated to advancing pedagogy within a constantly-changing landscape. This recognition, granted in the midst of a global pandemic, could not have come at a better time. We are all faced with unprecedented challenges, but also with an opportunity to re-evaluate our teaching modalities, to break from the mould, and to carefully examine how students learn best. I would like to dedicate this award to all of my fantastic students that continually inspire me with their innovation, curiosity, and creativity, and who always motivate me to do and be better. Du fond de mon coeur, Merci!"
Caroline Sullivan
School of Psychology

Young Researcher Award
The Young Researcher Award is presented annually to a member of the teaching staff who has earned distinction for his or her unit and Faculty as a result of the importance and exceptional characteristics of his or her research work.
"I am deeply honored to be this year’s recipient of the Faculty of Social Sciences Young Researcher Award. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Faculty of Social Sciences and my colleagues in the Department of Economics for all their ongoing support and for placing value on research tackling issues such as human trafficking and the economic causes and consequences of terrorism and mass shootings."
Abel Brodeur
Department of Economics

Excellence in Research Award
The Faculty of Social Sciences’ Excellence in Research Award is granted to a member of the teaching personnel who has earned distinction for his or her unit and Faculty because of the importance and exceptional characteristics of his or her research work.
"It is a great gift to receive a research award in times like these. Like so many colleagues, I have found it more difficult to pursue my research since the pandemic struck, particularly as a mother of school-aged children. At the same time, I continue to find solace and strength in my research, as the current crisis has helped me to see my work in a new light. I work on the limits of expert political and economic knowledge—its ambiguities, its failures and its relationship with ignorance. Part of what has been so remarkable about the recent public health crisis is just how quickly key policymakers have had to act while also acknowledging the imperfect nature of their knowledge. In a world in which extreme uncertainty has become the norm, we need a more robust understanding of both the possibilities and the limits of expert knowledge."
Jacqueline Best
School of Political Studies

Award for Activities in the Media or the Community
The Activities in the Media or the Community Award is presented annually to a member of the teaching staff who has demonstrated outstanding service by sharing his or her expertise through the media or with the community, both locally and nationally.
"Over the years, I have had the privilege to work with criminalized people, their loved ones, students, colleagues and other concerned members of the community on projects aimed at reducing the harms and use of criminalization and incarceration in the short-term, while collectively working towards de-carceral futures as a long-term objective. Receiving this award from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the recommendation of colleagues is an honour and an acknowledgement of the public interventions and community organizing of the Criminalization and Punishment Education Project, along with other initiatives I have been involved like the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons and the Carceral Studies Research Collective. As colonialism, capitalism, racism and white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, ableism, ageism and other violent structures of power that push people to the margins persist, it is incumbent that this work continues and that more join the shared struggle towards liberation. No one is disposable."
Justin Piché
Department of Criminology

Part-Time Professor of the Year Award
The Part-Time Professor of the Year Award was created in recognition of the contribution of the members of the Association of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa (APTPUO) to university education.
"Dans ce monde ici à l’Université d’Ottawa, grouillant d’activités, d’ingéniosité et d’entraide, ce sont avant tout les nombreux échanges et rencontres avec les collègues et des milliers d’étudiants et d’étudiants d’ici et d’ailleurs qui m’ont comblé et qui continuent toujours à m’animer, à me passionner, comme enseignant et comme individu.
Je remercie grandement tous ceux et celles qui ont apporté leur soutien et leur concours tout au long du processus de nomination et d’évaluation, en particulier les étudiants et étudiantes qui ont suscité de l’intérêt au départ et moussé ma candidature.
Bien que soulignant mon engagement et ma contribution à la vie académique, ce Prix représente avant tout, à mes yeux, une reconnaissance inestimable de la part de collègues et de la collectivité universitaire. Je vous en suis sincèrement reconnaissant."
Paul Martel
School of Political Studies

Award for Service Excellence
The Award for Service Excellence is granted to a member of the administrative staff to tangibly recognize the importance of quality service excellence in the student experience. The award recognizes the key role that employees play in positions geared toward service.
"Je suis profondément touchée et émue d’être récipiendaire de ce prix. J’apprécie grandement la reconnaissance et remercie ceux et celles ayant contribué à ma nomination. Je désire également souligner l’incroyable engagement et soutien de tous les membres de l’équipe du Bureau des études de premier cycle ainsi que du Vice-décanat aux études de premier cycle. C’est un honneur que de travailler avec une équipe si dévouée, dynamique et ayant à cœur l’expérience étudiante."
Annie Suzor
Academic Services

Administrative Staff Award
The Administrative Staff Award is granted to a member of the administrative staff that has contributed to the betterment of the Faculty and the unit in which he or she works, through his or her initiative, creativity and superior performance.
"Merci pour cette belle reconnaissance de mon travail. Je suis très touchée et honorée de recevoir ce prix. Je tiens aussi à exprimer ma gratitude à tous ceux qui ont soumis et appuyé ma candidature. C'est un réel privilège de travailler à la Faculté depuis 2007, je suis heureuse de faire partie d'une si belle équipe, et au cours de ces années, j'ai créé de beaux liens avec des collègues formidables."
Carole Ladouceur
Financial Analyst