The Institute welcomes new SSHRC postdoctoral fellow Dr. Linda Mussell

Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies
View of campus from the air
The Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies welcomes new SSHRC postdoctoral fellow Dr. Linda Mussell, who began her two-year term in September. Dr. Mussell recently completed her PhD in the Department of Political Studies at Queen’s University.

Her research uses critical policy analysis to study the carceral state, namely policies of removal, isolation, coercion, assimilation, and confinement. Through her work she supports transformative justice and disrupting the harmful direct and intergenerational impacts of carceral policy. During her doctoral studies Dr. Mussell was awarded the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship and Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarship.

As part of her SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship she will be working with Professor Michael Orsini to study decarceration policy during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada and the United States. Linda looks forward to participating in the Institute. Please feel free to reach out to her if you would like to learn more about her research and community work. Her email address is [email protected]