Professor Baranyi has recently published two new co-authored scholarly articles

Faculty of Social Sciences
School of International Development and Global Studies
fountain pen writing
Professor Baranyi has recently published two new co-authored scholarly articles :

“SDG16+ implementation in fragile and conflict-affected states: what do the data tell us six years into Agenda 2030?” with Yiagadeesen Samy and Bianca Washuta, in Conflict, Security & Development 21:6. 

«  Entre le mouvement des femmes et le mouvement des personnes handicapées : mobilisations intersectionnelles des femmes handicapées en Haïti » avec Dominique Masson et Ilionor Louis, dans Aequitas Revue de développement humain, handicap et changement social 27(2). An English version of this article should be available, in an edited book, by mid-in 2022.