Applicable to the Clinical Program only.

For each selected applicant-professor pair, the Academic Secretariat calculates a total score based on the following breakdown:



0 = < 8.0

1 = 8.0

2 = 9.0

3 = 10.0

English / French Bilingualism2

0 = monolingual

1 = evidence of passive bilingualism (i.e., you understand the second language but cannot speak it with fluency)

2 = evidence of active bilingualism (i.e., you can speak and write in the second

language with relative fluency)

Peer-reviewed publications / presentations

0 = no

0.5 = conference poster or oral presentation SUBMITTED to peer- reviewed conference (co-author or first author) - Need to submit proof of “submitted” status

1 = co-author peer-reviewed conf poster or oral presentation, or knowledge dissemination talk in the community – accepted or presented

1.5 = first-authored peer-reviewed poster or oral conf presentation – accepted or presented OR non-peer-reviewed publication (program evaluation report, submitted or published book chapter) - Need to submit proof of “submitted” status

2 = under review manuscript (co-author or first author) -Need to submit proof of “under review” status

2.5 = co-authored peer-reviewed manuscript (published)

3 = first author peer-reviewed manuscript (published)

Total /8


1 Due to decisions concerning the calculation of applicants' GPA that are beyond our control, we had to make some minor changes to how the points are accorded for average GPA (passed by School Council, November 2022). The version presented here is current.

2 Please add details in your CV. Bilingualism status may be verified by members of the admission committee or colleagues


Professor’s ranking of the applicant

0.0 = third choice (or lower)

1.0 = second choice

2.0 = first choice

Current graduate students under supervision


faculty 0 =

4+ students

1 = 2 or 3 students

2 = 0 or 1 student

External supervisors receive a 0 on this item

Current funding

0 = I do not have sufficient grant/contract funding to provide funding to at least the equivalent of a 65-hr RA-ship to support a uOttawa graduate psychology student this academic year

1 = I will be using some grant or contract funding to provide at least the equivalent of a 65-hr RA-ship to support a uOttawa graduate psychology student this academic year

Total /5

Maximum total score is 13.

Approved by the Management Committee 21/04/2022 
Approved by the School Council 30/03/2022