Since the early 2000s, Quebec (Canada) has developed a performance-based accountability policy - called Results-Based Management (RBM). Based on a literature review and about 100 interviews with school administrators, principals and teachers, propose a multi-level analysis of this policy (Maroy, 2021). By mobilizing a set of more or less articulated statistical, managerial and pedagogical tools, the School Service Centers (SSCs) put in place a new management of pedagogical practices, the effects of which on the teaching profession and the school climate are problematic. Our presentation insists on the mediations and variations of the implementation by the CSS and schools, on the consequences of this new model of school management on the professional autonomy and practices of teachers. We also discuss the diversity of teachers' responses to institutional pressures and the low legitimacy of this policy in their eyes. In conclusion, we will discuss its effectiveness on student learning.

Christian Maroy
Sociologist and professor emeritus at the University of Louvain
Christian Maroy is a sociologist, professor emeritus at the University of Louvain and researcher at GIRSEF. He holds the Canada Research Chair in Educational Policy and is a full professor at the Université de Montréal from 2010 to 2019. He has published L'école québécoise à l'épreuve de la Gestion axée sur les résultats. Sociologie de la mise en œuvre d'une politique néo-libérale. Presses de l'université Laval, 2021.
He conducts comparative research on educational policies, the governance and regulation of school systems, and the teaching profession, themes on which he has published numerous articles and books.