National AccessAbility Week 2024
May 26, 2024 to Jun 1, 2024 — All day
This year, National AccessAbility Week runs from May 26 to June 1. The library has compiled the following resource list to spark ongoing discussions about building an accessible and inclusive society.
During this week, and throughout the year, we recognize the significant contributions of Canadians with disabilities, who represent a substantial part of the Canadian population. We are committed to identifying and removing barriers to inclusion and accessibility at the library and on campus.
Have questions about accessibility at the library? Reach out to us: [email protected]

Books (Available at Morisset Library)
- The future is disabled : prophecies, love notes, and mourning songs
- Disfigured : on fairy tales, disability, and making space
- Beauty is a verb : the new poetry of disability
- Care work : dreaming disability justice
- Strangers assume my girlfriend is my nurse
- Demystifying disability : what to know, what to say, and how to be an ally
- Disability visibility : first-person stories from the Twenty-first century
- I'm not here to inspire you : essays on disability from a regular guy living with cerebral palsy
- Liberté, égalité, autonomie : handicap : pour en finir avec l'exclusion [French]
- Le pari de l'habitat : vers une société plus inclusive avec et pour les personnes en situation de handicap? [French]
- Repenser la normalité : perspectives critiques sur le handicap [French]
- Vivre son destin, vivre sa pensée [French]
Online Resouces
- Dispatches from disabled country
- Redefining disability
- Disfigured : on fairy tales, disability, and making space
- Crip times : disability, globalization, and resistance
- Voice : Adam Pottle on writing with deafness
- Being Heumann : an unrepentant memoir of a disability rights activist
- Le pari de l'habitat : vers une société plus inclusive avec et pour les personnes en situation de handicap? [French]