Textbook Broke Winter 2023

Laptop and books
The Winter 2023 #TextbookBroke campaign ran January 23-27 in five University of Ottawa Library locations and at the University of Ottawa Students’ Union office.

Since the first campaign at the University of Ottawa in January 2018, “Textbook Broke” aims to raise awareness among the university community about the cost of textbooks. It is also an opportunity for students to voice their concerns and validate their experiences.  

Two hundred and sixty-five post-its were collected this term, with students indicating they spent on average $234.61 on their textbooks this winter. 

Graphic - Textbooks cost

They also left comments. Many of these mentioned that exorbitant textbook prices led students to skip out on buying required textbooks or access to commercial platforms altogether and resort to piracy as an alternative.

Students feedback

Trying to save?  

  • Have a look at this tip sheet on how to save on textbooks.
  • Explore the Library’s evolving list of suggested open educational resources (OER) for courses at uOttawa. You might find free quality learning material that can supplement required textbooks 💡
  • Visit “Finding OER” on the Library website for search tips and resources.

Have more to say about textbook costs and their impact?

If you are an undergraduate student at the University of Ottawa, participate in the Textbook Affordability Survey conducted by the Library and the Student Union until February 28, 2023! You will find the link to the survey in an email from the UOSU.

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