Join us to celebrate Open Education Week 2022 at the University of Ottawa Library!
#OEWeek #OERWednesday
When: Every Wednesday from February 2 until March 9, 2022
Where: Library’s Twitter
Discover the wonderful world of open educational resources! Every Wednesday, the Library highlights a uOttawa OER that you may have missed. You could find your match!
OER Showcase
When: Tuesday, March 8, 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. and Thursday, March 10, 1:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Where: Zoom (no registration required)
The OER Showcase is a series of lightning talks in English or French allowing creators of open educational resources to share the fruits of their labour. Designed to showcase OER in French or in both official languages, this event is made possible through a collaboration between the University of Ottawa Library and fabriqueREL.
March 8, 2022
Download March 8 program (Docx, 35.04 KB)
Event link - Zoom*
March 10, 2022
Download March 10 program (Docx, 34.13 KB)
Event link - Zoom*
*This event will be recorded. By participating, you consent to being photographed or filmed and authorize the Library to use the photographs or film in print, digital, video, or web-based format for its promotional material, including on the Internet via the Library website or other social media websites. If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected].
Announcing the 2022 Library OER Grant Recipients
When: Friday, March 11
Where: Library’s Twitter
Find out who won this year’s Library OER Grants to encourage the adaptation or creation of open educational resources at uOttawa!
Textbook Affordability: What does it mean to you?
When: Starting Monday February 28 until Friday, March 11
Where: Library’s Instagram
Expensive textbooks are serious business. Tell us how you feel about the costs of course materials on Instagram with a meme or a TikTok/Instagram Reel. We’ll get the ball rolling on February 28 and suggest solutions during Open Education Week. Don’t forget to tag us @uottawabiblio
uOttawa OER Community of Practice
When: Every third Wednesday of the month, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. - Next meeting: March 16
Where: Teams
The Open Educational Resources Community of Practice is for everyone at the University of Ottawa with an interest in OER, no matter where they are in their journey, to connect, discuss, share, and inform OER activities and support on campus. It meets every third Wednesday of the month from 2 to 3 p.m. (EST) on Teams to discuss themes selected by its members. At the March 16 meeting, we will discuss openwashing and faux-pen. Register for this meeting and become a member of the Teams channel to share, stay up to date, and view recordings of presentations and discussions. Questions? [email protected]
Open Education Week - Cross Canada Program in French
When: March 7 to 11
Where: Online (Detailed schedule)
Celebrate Open Education Week in French! Take part in this lineup of activities, including:
- Workshop on open educational resources (OER) as part of “LEARNX 2022” organized by the Canada School of Public Service and Heads of Learning Forum
- Workshop on developing a metadata schema for a bilingual FSL OER repository for the Camerise platform
- Presentation on the latest developments in open education across Canada
- Panel on Canadian OER platforms
- Presentation on sharing resources under an open licence
- Community call on the professional recognition of OER creation
- Webinar on supporting instructors in their search for OER
- Webinar on why and how to integrate OER in teaching activities