The University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society presents:
As the capacity of information technology grows exponentially, offering unprecedented potential for data collection, mining and analytics, where do we draw the line between the data that should remain protected by the right to privacy and that which could be accessed in the interest of science, public policy, law enforcement or digital equality? We will discuss this new tension and the pressure it puts on established concepts.
About the Speakers
Chantal Bernier is currently Counsel in the Privacy and Security practice of Dentons Canada. Prior to that appointment, she was (interim) Privacy Commissioner of Canada (2013-2014), after spending five years as Assistant Commissioner. She began her career in the Canadian federal government as a lawyer in the Department of Justice. She went on to hold a directorship at the Privy Council Office before being appointed Assistant Deputy Minister, Socio-economic Policy and Programs Sector, at Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (1999-2002) and Assistant Deputy Minister, Community Safety and Partnerships Branch, at Public Safety Canada (2002-2008). She holds a Bachelor of Civil Law from the University of Sherbrooke and a Masters in Public International Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science. media from 2004 to 2020.
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