Sophie Le Page
Sophie Le Page is a PhD candidate in Digital Transformation and Innovation at the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society, under the supervision of Dr. Jason Millar.
Sophie Le Page researches the ethical engineering of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), with a focus on developing a toolkit to help engineers translate broad ethical considerations into their engineering practice when designing and developing robotics and AI. Sophie Le Page’s work focuses primarily on translating the ethical principle of trustworthiness in the design and development of autonomous vehicles.
Sophie Le Page is the recipient of the SSHRC Bombardier Doctoral Scholarship, and of a uOttawa Graduate Student Knowledge Mobilization Training Scholarship. She is a PhD candidate in the School of Design and Teaching Innovation in the Faculty of Engineering and a member of the Canadian Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Ethical Design Lab (CRAiEDL).
Sophie Le Page has a degree in Software Engineering (CO-OP), and a Master’s degree in Computer Science with a Concentration in Applied AI, before turning her full-time attention to issues in Ethics and AI. She has published and presented in several international peer-reviewed conferences.