Canada and Quebec have long been prime locations for the study of nationalism. This is less the case for the study of banal or ordinary nationalism, however. This symposium aims to fill this gap in the scientific literature. Beyond the narrative that Canada is the "first post-national state", what about the latent manifestations of banal or ordinary nationalism in Canada and Quebec? While nationalist movements in Quebec are often the subject of study, what about the various manifestations of banal nationalism in the rest of Canada? What are the narratives and symbolic universes through which this nationalism manifests itself? How does it change over time? How are certain symbols, such as the flag, resignified by social movements? Are there distinct regional manifestations, from British Columbia to Newfoundland, of this or these banal nationalisms? What is the place of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples in these symbolic universes?
Scheduled Panels (in French only):
- Nationalisme banal, populisme et identité au Québec et au Canada
- Nationalisme banal, protestations, culture et institutions
- Nationalisme banal et environnementalisme
- La comparaison et le nationalisme banal au-delà du Québec et du Canada