TheCentre for Law, Technology and Society is delighted to present:
The Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity entered into force in 2014. The protocol creates a new impetus to find fair and equitable ways to share benefits relating to the utilisation of biological resources and associated traditional knowledge. Given that there has been considerable focus on ‘biopiracy’ leading up to the development of the Nagoya Protocol, it is also important to look at more positive ‘access and benefit-sharing’ (ABS) case studies from which to draw lessons. This paper examines several ABS case studies from around the world, their pros and cons, and then considers some of the key issues that arise in the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and in relation to the protection of traditional knowledge.
About the Speaker
Associate Professor Daniel Robinson is a continuing member of staff in the Arts and Social Sciences Faculty at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia, with a background in human geography, environmental science and legal studies. He holds a number of roles including: Academic Co-lead for the Pacific Region for the UNSW Institute for Global Development; Pacific Regional Project Manager for the Access and Benefit-Sharing Capacity Development Initiative (www.abs-initiative.info); Project lead and chief investigator, 5-year Australian Research Council Discovery Project (Indigenous Knowledge Futures); Research Fellow, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Geneva. He has worked on a number of projects relating to biodiversity and Indigenous knowledge for UNDP, AusAID, Natural Justice, and others. He was an environmental programs Masters Director for 8 years until 2018 at UNSW.
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