Carlos Affonso Souza: Elections and Online Disinformation.
Lessons from the Mexican and Brazilian Elections
Oct 1, 2018 — 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

TheCentre for Law, Technology and Society is delighted to present:
About the Distinguished Speaker
Carlos Affonso Pereira Souza is a professor in the Faculty of Law at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ, Brazil), and at the Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio, Brazil), where he teaches courses on “Law and Technology” and Private Law (Contracts). He holds a doctorate and a master's degree in private law from UERJ. He is the founder and director of the Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro (ITS Rio), one of the most renowned research centers in the field of law and technology in Latin America, and around the world. He is also an Affiliated Fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School.
Prof. Souza has been at the forefront of many international initiatives on Internet governance, participating actively on multistakeholder processes such as the United Nation’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and ICANN. Dr Souza is one of the leading authorities in Law & Technology issues in Brazil, where his work has been cited numerous times, with approval, by the highest courts. He is also a consultant for, the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, on questions concerning the governance and regulation of the Internet.
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