
The eQuality Project and the Institute for Feminist Legal Studies at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, in collaboration with the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society present:

Technology-facilitated gender-based violence, abuse, and harassment (or “TFGV”) encompass a broad spectrum of harms perpetrated against women and girls. TFGV is unrelenting and can have devastating impacts on individuals who are targeted and victimized.

This panel will examine the role that digital platforms play in TFGV and how such platforms might be held accountable or liable for such harms in Canadian law. The discussion will be anchored in the findings and recommendations of a new research report on these issues authored by Cynthia Khoo for the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF).

This panel is the second in a series leading up to the “Tackling Technology Facilitated Violence” conference. Osgoode Hall Law School at York University and the University of Ottawa will host this virtual conference in May 2021.

About the Speakers

Cynthia Khoo is a public interest lawyer who works at the intersection of law technology and human rights. In addition to her interdisciplinary practice, which cuts across (tele)communications, privacy, intellectual property, copyright, technology, and human rights law, much of her work involves legal and policy reform focused on how to solve problems unique to the digital age.

Emily Laidlaw is a Canada Research Chair in Cybersecurity Law and Associate Professor at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Law, and a member of the Institute for Security, Privacy, and Information Assurance. She researches and consults in the areas of information and technology law, cybersecurity, human rights, online content regulation, and corporate responsibility.

Molly Reynolds is a privacy and cybersecurity lawyer at Torys LLP. In addition to advising organizations on privacy and security best practices, she frequently represents victims of technology-facilitated violence in civil litigation.


Rosel Kim is a staff lawyer at the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF), where she contributes to the development and management of LEAF’s cases and law reform projects. She is the chair of LEAF’s Technology-Facilitated Violence (TFV) project, which aims to explore legal responses to technology-facilitated gender-based violence that are informed by equality principles.

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Date and time
Apr 28, 2021
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format and location
General public