Poster for the event The Future is Reaching for Us


The AI + Society Initiativeand CIFAR present, in collaboration with the University of Ottawa Research Chair in Technology and Society and the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society:

Providing a starting place for designing ethical AI through an Indigenous-centred approach, the Position Paper results from a series workshops hosted in the winter and spring of 2019 with the support of CIFAR's AI and Society Program. Workshop participants considered this key question: from an Indigenous perspective, what should our relationship with AI be? Related questions included: how can Indigenous epistemologies and ontologies contribute to the global conversation regarding society and AI? How do we broaden discussions regarding the role of technology in society beyond the largely culturally homogenous research labs and Silicon Valley startup culture? How do we imagine a future with A.I. that contributes to the flourishing of all humans and non-humans?

About the Speaker

Jason Edward Lewis is a digital media theorist, artist, and software designer. He founded Obx Laboratory for Experimental Media, where he directs research/creation projects exploring computation as a creative and cultural material. He directs the Initiative for Indigenous Futures, and co-directs the Indigenous Protocol and AI Workshops, the Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace research network, and the Skins Workshops on Aboriginal Storytelling and Video Game Design. Lewis is deeply committed to developing intriguing new forms of expression by working on conceptual, critical, creative and technical levels simultaneously. He is the University Research Chair in Computational Media and the Indigenous Future Imaginary as well as Professor of Computation Arts at Concordia University, Montreal. Born and raised in northern California, Lewis is Hawaiian and Samoan. His research interests include emergent media theory and history, and methodologies for conducting art-led technology research.

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Date and time
Nov 25, 2020
12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Format and location
This event will be in English only. This event will be recorded.
General public