Ian McCarthy: The Propensity and Speed of Patented Technology Licensing poster


The Centre for Law, Technology and Society at the University of Ottawa presents:

The global market for technology licensing is worth several hundred billion dollars each year. Within just the U.S., it is estimated that the annual value of licensed technologies has increased from $50 billion to $200 billion in the last ten years. At the same time, however, numerous patents remain unlicensed as firms have difficulty finding licensing partners. Furthermore, the time it takes to license can take many years, which erodes into the typical 20-year patent protection period. With this background, I present research from two studies that examine why some patents get licensed, while technological equivalent patents do not; and what are the determinants and payoffs of licensing speed. Focusing on the biotechnology industry, the studies examine how characteristics for the patents and characteristics for the owners of the patents (i.e., licensors), impact the propensity and speed of technology licensing.

About the Speaker

Ian McCarthy, Ph.D is a Professor Technology and Operations Management at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. Ian received his Ph.D from University of Sheffield, was a faculty member at the universities of Sheffield and Warwick. In 2003, he joined Simon Fraser University as a Canada Research Chair. He was also a Fulbright Scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology studying the impacts of university innovation on local and national economies. He has published in leading management and engineering journals including: Academy of Management Review, Industry and Corporate Change, California Management Review, Technovation, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Business Horizons. His work has also featured in the Economist, the Globe and Mail, Business Insider and other media outlets. He has a paper on the Social Media Honeycomb that is one of the most cited papers across all business, management, and economic journals in recent years. As an award-winning teacher, Ian has taught has taught in executive education programs for companies and universities across the world.

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Date and time
Mar 28, 2018
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Lunch provided.
Format and location
In person
Desmarais Building (DMS)
Room 4170, 55 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, ON
This event will be in English only. The event will be recorded, and photos may be taken.
General public
This is a free event. No registration is required.