Poster for the event Le leadership féministe pour briser les préjugés


The Centre for Law, Technology and Society presents:

Unsurprisingly, many scientific writings on the maker movement show that women face enormous biases; the same in STEM. Beyond these gender biases, Thomas Mboa had the opportunity to meet some exceptional women during his thesis fieldwork in makerspaces including Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Senegal. The leadership that these women demonstrated  deserves special recognition. Thomas Mboa documented the resilient strategies of these women in different makerspaces in Africa to propose a framework to ensure greater inclusion and diversity in the maker movement.

About the Speaker

Thomas Mboa is a researcher in Information and Communication, with interest in the Maker Movement, social Innovation, Open science and Scholarly Communications. He is a Queen Elizabeth II Scholar, and a New Emerging Researcher at Open African Innovation Research (Open AIR) Network at the University of Ottawa. With a background in Biochemistry, Thomas Mboa is deeply engaged in promoting DIYbio, and democratizing Biotechnology in Africa. His work with DIYBio is visible through his own biohackerspace in Cameroon: the Mboalab, which is part of the Open Bioeconomy Lab.

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Date and time
Jun 30, 2020
12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Format and location
This event will be in French only. This event will be recorded.
General public