View of city from window.

Research Centre on the Future of Cities

The Centre offers a unique interdisciplinary research environment in Canada, to address the pressing challenges of the 21st century by tackling the relationship between the transformation of cities, the climate and social crisis, and the Anthropocene.
drawing of people holding different religious symbols
May 16 to May 17

Cities and Religions: The Challenges of Diversity and Living Together in the Francophone Sphere

Symposium organized in by the Research Centre on the Future of Cities, La Chaire de recherche Québec, francophonie canadienne et mutations culturelles…

Innovation and progress illustration
May 16

Insights into practices for maximizing the impact of mobilizing knowledge in French

Participation of Cintia Quiroga, member of the Research Centre on the Future of Cities.

Illustration of 4 people gardening, planet Earth on the background
May 15

Municipalities addressing social and environmental issues

Thematic exchange session moderated by Anne Mevellec, member of the Research Centre on the Future of Cities.

Recent Publication
Recent Publication

Anthropologie végétale

Postdoctoral fellow Nakeyah Giroux-Works' new entry for Anthropen, the francophone dictionary of anthropology.
Media Intervention
nuclear power plant and flower bouquet collage
Media Intervention

Le rôle de l’urbanisation dans la lutte aux changements climatiques

Vincent Mirza's interview for "Au coeur du monde" at the 91st ACFAS Conference.
Opinion paper
Opinion paper

L'inégal accès à la nature

Opinion paper by postdoctoral fellow Nakeyah Giroux-Works on the theme of diversity and accessibility in the great outdoors.
Person typing on laptop keyboard.

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Research Centre on the Future of Cities

Faculty of Social Sciences
120 University Private
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5

[email protected]
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