HRREC Student Member Amira Maameri Awarded the Jacques Gaudreau Graduate Scholarship 2019-2020

By University of Ottawa

Human Rights Research and Education Centre, HRREC

 Amira Maameri
HRREC student member Amira Maameri was awarded the Jacques Gaudreau Graduate Scholarship in International Human Rights Law for the academic year 2019-2020. This scholarship is awarded each year to an outstanding graduate student (Masters or Ph.D.) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa.

Amira is currently doing her Ph.D. in Law under the co-supervision of HRREC academic member Mona Paré, Professor and Founding member of the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child (IRLRC) at the uOttawa Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, and Adeline Gouttenoire, Professor of Law and Director of the Centre européen d’études et de recherches en droit de la famille, des personnes et de la santé at the Université de Bordeaux

The Jacques Gaudreau endowment fund was established in 1992 in memory of Jacques Gaudreau (1947-1989), an officer of the Department of External Affairs, by his friends, colleagues, and family.

Congratulations, Amira!