HRREC member Slava Balan delivers a training in Moldova

By University of Ottawa

Human Rights Research and Education Centre, HRREC

Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Human rights
Slava Balan and his training participants in Moldava.
On May 21 to 23, HRREC member Slava Balan delivered a three-day long training course on Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to the staff of the Moldovan Ombudsperson's Office.

Over 20 course participants learned about the foundational concepts and key elements of HRBA, as well as about the latest global developments around HRBA, including its adoption in Scotland and by the Ontario Human Rights Commission. The Ombudsperson's Office remained very pleased with the course and indicated commitment to implementing pro-actively HRBA in the work of the institution. This training is an important element in collaboration between the HRREC's Human Rights Clinic and the Moldovan national human rights institutions, first initiated in 2021.