Jocelyn Kane
Jocelyn Kane
Ph.D. Candidate in Political Sciences, University of Ottawa & Founding Director of the Canadian Centre on Statelessness (CCS)


Research Interests

  • Statelessness and citizenship
  • Voluntary statelessness
  • Refusal and exit

Jocelyn Kane is a doctoral student in Political Science at the University of Ottawa. Her research interests are centered on the citizenship/statelessness regime with respect to state power and access to rights, and statelessness within political theory. Jocelyn’s current research is focused on voluntary statelessness in theory and practice.

Jocelyn holds an MA degree in Immigration and Settlement Studies from Ryerson University. As a part of her studies, Jocelyn investigated the social construction of statelessness in Canadian national media from 1930-2011.

Jocelyn is also the founder of the Canadian Centre on Statelessness (CCS). CCS is Canada’s only organisation dedicated to researching statelessness in Canada and advocating for related policy and legislative change.