The Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights (CYHR) publishes high quality, peer reviewed articles on the intersection of human rights and Canada. CYHR is an authoritative, bilingual (English and French) reference tool for practitioners and academics alike.
A central aim of the Yearbook – along with offering a yearly review of key developments in human rights in Canada, global human rights developments relevant to Canada, and Canada's contribution to international human rights discourse – is to encourage debate and discussion across disciplines and geographic areas (across Canada and globally) about important human rights issues. Articles which bridge the academic-practitioner divide and represent a range of voices, including those of civil society and policy-makers, are encouraged.
Articles should be written in a manner which is accessible, free of unnecessary jargon, not overly referenced, and suitable for a multi-disciplinary audience.
Preparation of the Manuscript:
- We accept manuscripts written in either English or French.
- Articles should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length (excluding the title/cover page) and submitted in Word format, 12 point font, and double-spaced.
- A cover letter is recommended and should include the author's name, title, affiliation and contact information, and the title of the article.
- Any reference to the author's identity should be removed from the submitted manuscript (excluding title/cover page) for the purpose of double-blind peer review.
- Manuscripts should respect the Chicago Manual of Style for references (footnotes and bibliography). Consult the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide (Online).
- An abstract of no more than 200 words should be included, followed by five keywords, at the beginning of the article.
- All manuscripts must be original and not under consideration with another publication or in another form, such as a chapter of a book. Authors of submitted papers are obligated not to submit their paper for publication elsewhere until an editorial decision is rendered from CHRY. Authors of accepted papers are prohibited from publishing the results in other publications that appear before the paper is published in the Yearbook, unless they receive written approval for doing so from the CYHR Executive Editor.
- All articles are subjected to a double-blind peer review before being accepted for publication. Final decisions on publication rest with the Managing Editor and the Editor-in-Chief.
- All submissions should be sent via email at [email protected].