1. What is the HRREC Working Paper Series?
The HRREC Working Paper Series (WPS) is an initiative created by the HRREC to showcase research that addresses human rights issues that has been created by members and partners of the Centre.
2. Who will read my paper?
Everyone! Papers accepted for the WPS will be posted on the HRREC’s WPS section of uOResearch which is the University of Ottawa's digital repository for research and teaching materials created by the university community and its affiliated partners. It provides open and permanent access to uOttawa scholarship thereby ensuring its wide dissemination and increased visibility online.
3. Who has copyright to a paper posted on the WPS?
The author and any person to whom the author has agreed to give copyright.
4. Can I submit a paper to the HRREC WPS that has already been accepted for publication?
Yes. Please be sure to check the publication agreement that you’ve sighed with the publisher of your paper or book chapter to ensure that posting on the HRREC WPS is compatible with the rights of the publisher.
5. In what format should I submit my paper for the WPS?
Your working paper should have the following format:
- MS Word document
- Formatting instruments:
- 1.5 line spacing, Times Roman or Calibri font
- Citation following the McGill Guide or Blue Book
- Include a bibliography
- Provide an abstract of a maximum of 250 words
- Provide a bio of maximum of 100 words
- Include your direct contact details
The first page of the WP should have your name and contact details, paper title, abstract and keywords.
Papers not following this format will be returned to you for further work.
6. How do I submit a paper?
Send your working paper to Caroline Faucher ([email protected]).
If you are a student member of the HRREC, before sending your document, two professors must read your working paper and approve it (please provide their names).