A proud alumna of the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society, Alexandra Mogyoros has been appointed as Acting Assistant Professor within the new Faculty of Law at Ryerson University where she will teach property law and legal theory.
After an interdisciplinary undergraduate degree, with a focus in biology and philosophy, from the University of Guelph, Alexandra Mogyoros became a JD student at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, Common Law Section. During her time at the law school, she was an active member of the Centre. She was a Technoship Fellow in her first year of JD, with Professors Ian Kerr, Angela Cameron, and Vanessa Gruben. She then became a research assistant for Professors Jennifer Chandler and Jeremy de Beer throughout her JD. She went on to be a Fellow of the Open AIR network under the supervision of Professor de Beer, and she continues to collaborate with him and the Open AIR network since then.
Alexandra Mogyoros was also a member of the winning 2012 Oxford International Intellectual Property Moot team for the University of Ottawa, where her team additionally was awarded the runner-up for the best written submissions. She went on to co-coach and still assists with our intellectual property moot teams.
After her JD, Alexandra Mogyoros continued her graduate studies at the University of Oxford, where she earned a BCL degree with Distinction at St. Hugh’s College. She also clerked for Justice Thomas Cromwell and Justice Malcolm Rowe at the Supreme Court of Canada
Alexandra Mogyoros is currently completing her DPhil in Intellectual Property Law at St. Peter’s College, University of Oxford. Her doctoral research focuses on developing a legal framework to regulate trademarks as brands in light of their public interest functions and is supported by a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship and a Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship.
Alexandra Mogyoros frequently consults with governments, governmental organizations, and non-profit public interest organizations on issues relating to intellectual property policy, law and technology, constitutional law, and freedom of information.
Prior to joining Ryerson University, Alex Mogyoros held research positions and fellowships at the universities of Toronto, Ottawa, Edinburgh, Cape Town, and Oxford. She articled and practised in a litigation boutique in Toronto. She is called to the Ontario bar.
Congratulations to Alexandra Mogyoros on this appointment!