Community Member Ramon Blanco-Barrera Awarded a Well-Recognized Research Grant in Spain

By University of Ottawa

Human Rights Research and Education Centre, HRREC

Community member Ramon Blanco-Barrera was awarded a well-recognized research grant by the University of Cadiz and the International University of Andalusia. This funding is linked with his Ph.D. project he was working on when he came to the Centre as an Artist-in-Residence in 2015.

He was awarded the Atalaya Project Cultural Observatory Research Grant, financed by the Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Government of Andalusia. Ramon another researcher, Soledad Gómez Vílchez, have been selected among 40 proposals from many countries such as Spain, China, Peru, Russia, Colombia or Argentina. If all goes as planned, in September, Ramon will be sending his work as an article to be published in PERIFéRICA. Journal for the analysis of culture and territory.

Congratulations, Ramon!