David Hughes Accepted an Assistant Professor Position at the Canadian Forces College

By University of Ottawa

Human Rights Research and Education Centre, HRREC

David Hughes Accepted an Assistant Professor Position at the Canadian Forces College
David Hughes
Alex Trebek Fellow David Hughes has accepted an Assistant Professor position at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto.

David leaves the project Changing Orders: Shaping the Future and Securing Rights in a World in Transformation after having begun postdoctoral work at the University of Ottawa in September 2020.

During this time David published three articles: Of Tactics, Prolonged Occupation, and the Boundaries of Legal Capabilities (European Journal of International Law); Differentiating the Corporation: Accountability and International Humanitarian Law (Michigan Journal of International Law); and Problematizing a New Form of Expansionist Ad Bellum Argument (with Yahli Shershevsky, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law). David also published a number of shorter articles about his research on leading legal blogs and presented this work at various conferences in Canada and abroad.

He initiated the Forced Displacement Workshop for Junior Scholars which has grown into an interdisciplinary network of 25 early career academics from across the world that meet monthly to present and receive feedback on their forthcoming work. With Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer, David co-authored a report regarding the implementation of the United Nation’s Human Rights Due Diligence Policy for the Dallaire Centre of Excellence for Peace and Security. David begins his position with the Canadian Forces College in January 2022.