Through a series of Research Awards, the Digital Ecosystem Research Challenge aims to support rigorous academic research into the impacts and uses of digital media during the 2019 Federal Election in Canada. The aim of this project is to understand the digital media ecosystem in order to support increased digital literacy among Canadians.
The Digital Ecosystem Research Challenge is a collaborative effort between Dr. Elizabeth Dubois at the University of Ottawa and Dr. Taylor Owen at McGill University, made possible in part by the Government of Canada through a Canada History Fund grant. Dr. Dubois and her interdisciplinary team will coordinate the awards and a final conference, while Dr. Owen will coordinate data collection and processing.
Award recipients will join a collaborative effort to understand the digital ecosystem during this election. Awards range from $10,000 to $100,000 and include access to digital and survey data which might otherwise be too difficult or costly to obtain for small research teams. All award winners will attend a post-election conference in February 2020 at the University of Ottawa to present initial results to a public audience. Dr. Dubois and Dr. Owen will also coordinate a public report summarizing the initial findings from this collaborative effort and highlighting the opportunities and challenges Canadians face in a digital context.
Read the full call for proposals and Learn more about the project on https://www.digitalecosystem.ca.
Congratulations to Dr. Dubois on this grant and important project! This new effort extends her extensive work into political uses of digital technology, and citizenship in a digital media context.