The Centre for Law, Technology and Society is delighted to announce that Dr. Céline Castets-Renardwas recently awarded a SSHRC Parternship Engage Grant for a project entitled “Profilage racial et impact des technologies utilisées par la police à Montréal-Saint Michel”.
As police forces are increasingly using artificial intelligence systems to improve day-to-day law inforcement, Dr. Castets-Renard's University Research Chair on Accountable Artifical Intelligence in a Global Context will collaborate with the Clinique Juridique de Saint-Michel to examine the risks of bias and racial and gender discrimination generated by artificial intelligence technologies. Specifically, the partnership aims to combat systemic racism and racial profiling in the use of technology by police forces.
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants provide short-term and timely support for partenered research activites that respond to the immediate needs of organizations in non-academic sectors, facilitating the exchange of unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities.
Congratulations to Dr. Castets-Renard and her team!